In 2000, Apostle Travis Jennings was impressed by the Lord through prayer and consecration. While in prayer, the Lord showed him a vision…he found himself in the midst of a harvest of wheat. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the wheat field. The Lord told him to cast out his rope and gather the harvest together. Instantly a rope appeared in his hand and the harvest began to gather together. But the burden was too great to carry alone. Immediately his wife joined him at his side to carry the harvest.
When the Lord brought Apostle Jennings out of the vision He told him to “Gather the End-Time Harvest” and to name the church The Harvest Tabernacle. The gathering of the harvest in the rope was symbolic of gathering souls. The setting of the sun symbolized the last days…the end-times. In the vision, the Tabernacle represented the gathering place! Apostle Jennings immediately began to seek God for direction and he was instructed to start a Bible Study in his home. On September 4, 2000 (Labor Day), Apostle and Pastor Stephanie went door-to-door to begin “Gathering the End-Time Harvest”. The ministry began with 7 souls and quickly outgrew the space in his home. Apostle Jennings was later led to LaQuinta Inn in Stone Mountain, GA where The Harvest Tabernacle held its first Sunday Worship Service on February 4, 2001. God brought rapid growth into the ministry; miracles and deliverance took place, and people eagerly became doers of the Word.
On New Years’ Eve 2002, the Lord gave Apostle Jennings a prophetic word for the church. He told the church that by June The Harvest Tabernacle would have its own building. Meanwhile, from January until May, Apostle Jennings patiently endured until the manifestation came forth. In the final week of May, God opened the door for The Harvest Tabernacle’s first building. From this location, The Harvest Tabernacle launched The End-Time Harvest broadcast on WTMN Christian Television Network and later moved to a larger network, WATC TV 57. The Harvest Tabernacle also launched an interactive website on which Apostle Travis Jennings’ ministry could be heard 24 hours a day.
In 2006, God led Apostle Jennings to seek a permanent home for The Harvest Tabernacle. Apostle Jennings was led by the Holy Ghost to a place that was not for sale at the time but God told him he would possess that land. Because of his enduring faith in God, Apostle Jennings was steadfast in securing a place in the earth that The Harvest Tabernacle could call home. On December 31, 2006, Apostle Jennings and The Harvest Tabernacle moved into its new worship facility in Lithonia, GA, which sits on 7.5 acres of land, houses two buildings, encompasses a 500-seat sanctuary, and is worth over $2 million. The Lord has favored Apostle and Pastor Stephanie Jennings to prepare for the building of a new worship facility on the property of The Harvest Tabernacle Church.